Sunday, 7 December 2014

Dencia Enlightens Her Fans About War, Protests and Revolutions

Reprudencia N. Sonkey (professionally known under the stage name Dencia) is a Cameroonian Nigerian singer, model, actress, philanthropist and entrepreneur.
Dencia NGTrends 1 Dencia NGTrends 2
The creator of the skin lightening product Whitenicious and CEO of her company marketing the line of products has this to say after a little research on violence, protest and war.
iamdencia Don’t ask me what I think should be done but whoever is asking people to go out and protest should have a winning strategy.Every month it’s a protest somewhere in the world & it ends up with people dying for nothing.”Except in very rare instances, peaceful protests have accomplished mostly nothing.(I’m not saying start a war) Eye 4 an Eye Tooth 4 a tooth” I don’t have a solution but some people can only see the problem so others can find the solution. #HistoryMajorInHS.I only fight when I know the end will be victorious. #myOpinion #protest #DontFollowTheCrowd #WhatAreYouFightingFor #WhatIsYourPlan #Strategy
iamdencia Don’t ask me to come to a protest when y’all just wanna take selfies & join the bandwagon.I understand we feel some type of way about things happening around the world but we can’t just go & walk,go home then what? #GoBackAndReadYourHistoryBooks #myOpinion #IamJustSaying

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