Thursday, 5 February 2015

20 Silly Excuses Men Gives When Caught Red Handed Cheating on Their Partner.

If you have caught your partner red handed cheating on you? Then you must have heard these ‘silly excuses’ they gave for their actions. Here's a list of 20 most silly excuses i have heard/observed from

both men and women when they are caught in the act of cheating..though some might be true but silly.
  1. It’s not what you think.
  2. The devil pushed me, I never liked her for once.
  3. She needed my help, I couldn’t send her out of the house.
  4. It was your fault, you weren’t giving me attention
  5. I thought we had broken up
  6. I didn’t know it would hurt you
  7. I couldn’t say no to her, she’s an important part of my life
  8. I felt you were too good for me and you would leave me soon
  9. I didn’t know you guys were that close
  10. I was depressed and she happened to be around at that time
  11. You caused it, you weren’t there for me
  12. I think its a curse from my village
  13. She just needed a place to crash, we didn’t do anything
  14. She’s just a distraction from the many issues at work lately
  15. I was drunk, I couldn’t have done that in my right senses.
  16. You said you wanted space, so I thought we had broken up
  17. She kissed me, I couldn’t tell her off. I am not used to be impolite
  18. People always leave me since I was a child so I was scared you would leave me too
  19. Wow! How did you  get in here?
  20. She forced me into was not intentional..
After giving you one or two of these silly excuses above, he will end with "Babe I'm sorry naa"
Feel free to add yours or tell us the number you fall in.

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