His manager said of the gentle giant "He was going places. He was the most amazing human being. Gentle, kind and loving, honest, hardworking. He was the most extraordinary person. I saw him on Thursday. And I always used to kiss him on the neck and always used to love it and shake.”
The driver that crashed into his car has been charged with negligent driving and culpable homicide. Mhere worked as a voice-over artist & hosted some of South Africa's most prestigious events. SABC says Simba’s memorial service and funeral will both be streamed live on SABC News' and SABC3's YouTube channel. May his soul rest in peace....amen.
Read More at thenet.ng/2015/02/how-tv-personality-simba-mhere-died-in-a-car-crash/ Follow us: @theNETng on Twitter | theNETng on Facebook

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