Hey lady, have you been wondering how you can talk to a guy and make him
like you, make him get attracted to you? Worry no more because i'm
going to tell you the simple way to do that right now.
how to talk to a guy can be the difference between being a lady who
draws guys and an annoying girl who doesn’t get any attention.
Now you don’t really need to know how to talk to a guy only to impress one guy.
Really, making a guy like you isn’t just about impressing one single guy.
After all, every guy likes a girl who is popular, fun and desired by all guys.
5 tips to tall to a guy and make him like you
- Be Confident and don't badmouth
Gather up your courage and go and talk to him. Never rush or panic
during the conversation, What's the worst that can happen? You are who
you are and there's not much you can change about that. You're unique
and special in your own way. So don't pretend to be someone you are not
for the guy.
You want him to like you for you, right?Be confident. Remember, you're
awesome. You will make an awesome guy be proud he's got you. If you get
rejected, do not be upset, just move on.
Ladies who are use foul language all the time are quite a bit of a turn
off for most guys. Try to avoid using bad language all the time.
Additionally, don’t bitch about other girls or speak nastily about
coworkers and passersby when you’re walking on a street.
These are the qualities of a good natured, sweet girl that all guys
want. If you want to know how to talk to a guy, keep this in mind. Be
nice, good natured and smile. Not just to him, but to the people around
you. Guys don't like it when you're mean. Although they might tease you,
don't be mean. Be pleasant and don't pick orn him. If he's not the shy
type, you can kind of tease him in a friendly, funny way if they are
pretty silly themselves but be careful when you're teasing him
The next time you’re talking to a guy you like, smile more often. Giggle
at his jokes, smile now and then for no particular reason and bring
that sparkle in your eyes. After all, when you’re happy, it shows. And
no guy can resist a girl with a beautiful laugh!
- Get him to talk about himself
Guys like to talk about themselves. All people do. One of the easiest
ways to get to know a guy is to ask him questions. You could ask, "What
did you think of that test this morning?" or ask him about the team he
likes or any football question. Ask open-ended questions instead of
questions that could be answered by a “yes” or “no.” Give him an
opportunity to expand his answers and provide his opinion. Music,
sports, TV shows and movies are also good topics.
Throughout evolution, men have always been the hunters and the
protectors while women have been the farmers and the foragers. When you
rekindle this primal instinct in a guy, he would appreciate it and love
it. Reach out and hold his arm while crossing the street, smile shyly
and ask him if he can hold a heavy book for a minute, hold his hand as a
big, scary dog comes near you, etc. You know the works, make him feel
like your protector.
Flirting is a great way to show someone you're interested in getting to
know them better. You don't have to read a book to learn how to do it.
Flirting is easy after you've tried it a few times. It's harmless and
fun. Be sure to make eye contact and offer him a smile. You'll be
surprised how you'll naturally figure it out!
Try this tips when talking to a guy and watch him like you for real.
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