Monday 2 February 2015

Success in relationship: the secret

First of all I should thank Rhonda for sharing The Secret. My story begins when I was in the city and saw a beautiful girl at the university when I went to help my friend. I was suddenly attracted to her - honestly, I never had a such an amazing feeling about a girl. I asked about her from my friend, and she told me about her. From here onward I called her my girl. I told my friend that I love her so much and I need to marry her.

A few days later I met my girl at the canteen and I asked for her contact number. She gave it to me and we had a great relationship between us. She was always telling me her secrets about everything, and she was always believing me and I was also believing her. We always shared our feelings with each other.

Everything was perfect, but one day she said she likes someone and asked me for permission. I said, "If you like him you can be with him." So it happened. But I realized that he was not giving enough love for her.

I lost contact with her, but I found an amazing thing - that is, "The Secret" movie. I watched it lot of times to understand how reality exists, and I read articles about it. And then I began to believe she is mine, and visualized she is calling me and we are talking lot of times over the phone. While visualizing I always thank her for trusting me and thank her for being my wife, and I began to feel she WAS my wife.

Two days later she called me. She told me that she broke up her affair and she is free. Now we have a great relationship between us. We are always talking to each other, going out for fun, and she always tells me, "I know how much you love me and I believe you will always be with me." We are so happy. Now I need to marry her. I believe in my heart I am already married to her and I know it will happen. I really believe The Secret. It makes me so happy - it makes me feel love. It makes me feel health. I know the world is just a projection of our own mind.

Really, thanks for sharing The Secret .
About Shathuranga from lanka:
23 year old, happy person, in an everlasting relationship with a beautiful girl.

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